Revitalize Your Lawn: A Year-Round Fertilization Plan for Vibrant, Healthy Grass
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Lawn Fertilization in South-Central Kansas

six-step fertilization program provides your lawn with the essential nutrients it needs throughout the year to maintain its health and vibrancy. We will strategically space fertilizer applications throughout the seasons to ensure your lawn is getting the nutrients it needs. 

The benefits of year-round fertilizer applications include: 

  • Promotes Healthy Growth: Fertilizer provides essential nutrients, like nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, that encourage lush, green grass growth.
  • Enhances Root Development: Phosphorus in fertilizer helps develop strong root systems, leading to a more resilient and drought-resistant lawn.
  • Improves Color and Appearance: The nitrogen in fertilizer boosts chlorophyll production, giving the lawn a vibrant, green color.
  • Boosts Disease Resistance: A well-fertilized lawn is less susceptible to diseases, pests, and environmental stress.
  • Reduces Weed Growth: A thick, healthy lawn naturally chokes out weeds by leaving them little space to grow.
  • Supports Recovery from Foot Traffic: Fertilizer helps lawns recover quickly from wear and tear, making them more durable for high-traffic areas.

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The Best Time to Fertilize Your Lawn

Fertilizing your lawn at the right time is key to achieving a lush, green landscape in South Central Kansas. Here’s a guide to the best times to apply a six-step fertilization program:

  • Early Spring (March - April): Start the season with a balanced fertilizer to wake up your lawn after winter dormancy. This first application helps stimulate early growth and green-up, laying the foundation for a healthy lawn.
  • Late Spring (April - May): Apply a second round of fertilizer to maintain steady growth. This application often includes a pre-emergent herbicide to prevent crabgrass and other summer weeds from taking root.
  • Early Summer (June): Use a slow-release fertilizer to support your lawn through the hot summer months. This helps maintain color and vigor, even as temperatures rise.
  • Mid-Summer (July - August): Apply another round of slow-release fertilizer to strengthen your lawn against heat and drought stress. This step also helps to continue feeding the grass without encouraging excessive growth.
  • Early Fall (September): Fertilizing in early fall is crucial for repairing any summer damage and promoting root growth. A high-nitrogen fertilizer is typically used to rejuvenate the lawn and prepare it for cooler weather.
  • Late Fall (October - November): The final application focuses on preparing your lawn for winter dormancy. A winterizing fertilizer rich in potassium helps strengthen the roots, improve disease resistance, and ensure a quick green-up in the spring.

Following this six-step fertilization program ensures that your lawn in South Central Kansas receives the nutrients it needs at the right times, leading to a lush, healthy, and resilient turf year-round.

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Areas We Service in Central Kansas

Our lawn care services extend beyond Galva, KS, to surrounding areas in Central Kansas. Whether you live in a residential neighborhood or on a larger property, our team is equipped to handle all of your lawn care needs.

If you are unsure if we service your area, please give us a call, and we will be happy to provide you with more information. Our goal is to help as many residents in Central Kansas as possible achieve a healthy and beautiful lawn.

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5 Star Review

Employees very polite and careful to do job correctly. Came to fix issue when expected. Thank you to the Techs.

Steve Bair
Main office
5 Star Review

Technicians came out and did a fantastic job of reconfiguring my sprinkler system so that it hit all of the area that it was supposed to. Very pleased with their work!

Mike Fortna
Main office
5 Star Review

Nice people here. Every time I ask for their help, Wetlands has met the challenges. Starting from office personnel to field support. I would highly recommend.

Eric Beck
Main office

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